Active Archive

No other solution in the industry can deliver instant and intelligent access to Archive Data within and outside of an organization as fast and simple.  We’ve been doing it consistently for the world’s largest companies for over two decades.  Find out how.

68% of organizations report that they are unable to realize measurable value from their data.

What's the root cause?



Data stored in Archive takes excessive time to locate due to lack of intelligent indexing and multiple storage systems.



Data is growing at an exponential amount, and across 3+ different storage providers including Cloud Storage.​



Storage Providers are driven to grow data on their respective platforms and offer software tools that only work on their platforms.​

Our Solution

Intelligent Metadata Harvesting

Fast Content Retrieval


Optimal Data Placement & Movement

Security, Access History, & User Rights

How StrongLink helps you unlock Archive Data to realize measurable value from your data

Empower users to work in new ways

Through advanced in-line and out-of-band metadata capture. Stronglink provides users faster access to Archive Data, gaining more value from an organization’s data.

Simplify your IT infrastructure

By using StrongLink, IT can reduce complexity by making Archive Data readily available while providing transparent migration of data across any storage platform or cloud service.

Stay one step ahead of evolving technology

With StrongLink, firms can transparently migrate or tier data across the lowest cost infrastructure storage or cloud storage provider.

Secure your Data

By using StrongLink, immutable copies of data can be created, which can be used to quickly avoid cybersecurity attacks.